Freitag, 12. September 2014

Biographical Information on Walter C. Eymann, 1907

Provided by Linda Carter, great-granddaughter of Walter C. Eymann.
History of the State of California and an Extended History of its Southern Coast Counties. By James Miller Guinn, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1907 . Calif. State Library History Room (RR). Call Number: [Alcove] 979.4G9 – 2 – Book NC. Eymann, Walter C Page 1782
WALTER C. EYMANN. Prominent among the highly esteemed and influential citizens of Ocean Park is Walter C. Eymann, a practical business man and a leading real-estate dealer, who has been an important factor in promoting the rapid growth of this beautiful coast city, and a liberal contributor towards the establishment of its varied enterprises. Distinguished not only as a native-born son of California, but for the honored ancestry from which he traces his lineage, he occupies a conspicuous position in the annals of Los Angeles county, and no person is more worthy than he of representation in a work of this kind. A son of Charles F. Eymann, M.D., he was born November 3, 1867, in Anaheim, Orange county. The Eymann family has long been prominent in Germany, among its members being doctors, lawyers and merchants of distinction, one of its members having served as court physician to the Czar of Russia.
A native of Germany, Charles F. Eymann was born, reared and educated in Oldenburg, the home of many of his ancestors. Immigrating to the United States when a young man, he continued his studies in the medical college at Cincinnati, Ohio. Subsequently going overland to California, he engaged in mining and prospecting with unusual success, amassing a fortune. As banks were unsafe in those days it was customary to bury money; one day he returned and was bitterly disappointed to find that some one had visited the spot where he had secreted his wealth, and robbed him. Afterwards settling in San Francisco, he built up a substantial business as a merchant, and became a large property owner. He married Amalia Hammes, whose father, Philip Hammes, immigrated to San Francisco from Germany in 1856, and there followed his trade of watchmaker, clockmaker and jeweler until his removal to Anaheim with the original German colony.
Leaving school when about sixteen year of age, Walter C. Eymann assumed charge of the vineyard of thirty-three acres, managing it successfully until the destruction of the vines by a disease that killed all of the vineyards of that locality and ruined the wine industry. He subsequently took a course of study at Heald’s Business College, after which he was a resident of San Francisco for two and one-half years, being employed as collector, salesman and bookkeeper, first for Hueter Brothers, and later for the Bass-Hueter Paint Company. Going then to Europe, he visited a favorite aunt at the home of his ancestors, after which he traveled extensively on the continent, visiting the principal art galleries, and other places of interest.
On returning to California, Mr. Eymann settled near Anaheim, on land left him by his father, and at once began its improvement, in the course of a few years developing a valuable walnut grove. He built a fine house and substantial farm buildings, making noteworthy improvements. This place he sold in November,1904, realizing a handsome profit from his expenditure of time and money. Coming to Ocean Park, he bought the Summerheim flats, which he has since managed, and continued in the real-estate business, with which he had previously been associated for three years. In the spring of 1905 he opened a real-estate office in the city of Los Angeles, but this he abandoned when the beach cities began to show signs of life and activity and has since maintained and office on ocean front. He not only deals in Southern California property, but also handles northern lands, owning property in the San Joaquin valley and Tulare county.
Mr. Eymann is a man of great inventive talent as well as a business man of ability. In 1895 he received from the United States government a patent that he then possessed, it being a valuable invention utilizing a combination of goal and gas ranges. In introducing it to the public he traveled over one-half of the states of the Union, and from the royalty now given him by its manufacturers, the J. L. Mott Iron Works Company, of New York City, he receives a good annual income. He also has other incomplete inventions, one contemplated one being the taking of electric currents from the earth using them in stationary engines. He is an expert in oil and water, and acted in this capacity in Southern California for a number of years, always with satisfactory results. He is a fine business man, and has acquired extensive property interests in Ocean Park, San Joaquin valley and Tulare county.
In Europe in 1894, Mr. Eymann married Dorothea H. Schellens, daughter of Richard Schellens, noted railway man, who is a government director of all the railroads in the Rhine provinces, and an inventor of the Schellens railway train blocking devices. Mr. And Mrs. Eymann has one child, Gilbert H. W. Eymann. Fraternally Mr. Eymann is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters.

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