Julius Billeter (ca. 1900): A collection of Swiss surnames, http://kunden.eye.ch/swissgen/sursou-e.htm#Billeter
Albert B. Faust (1920): Lists of Swiss emigrants in the eighteenth century to the American colonies (1920), https://archive.org/details/listswissemigrant01fausrich
Daniel I. Rupp (1927), A collection of upwards of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776 ... = Chronologisch geordnete Sammlung von mehr als 30,000 Namen von Einwanderern in Pennsylvanien aus Deutschland, der Schweiz, Holland, Frankreich u. a. St. von 1727 bis 1776 ... (1927): https://archive.org/details/collectionofupwa00rupp
William J. Krehbiel (1953): History of one branch of the Krehbiel family. https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE84567&from=fhd
Olga A. Hirschler (1966): The Altleiningen Krebills 1730-1966. A genealogical and historical report. http://www.mdhervey.com/xtra_pages/archive/KREBILL/KREBILL.PDF
Many more books can be found at the Family History Books library of the FHL.Searching for Eymann yields the following list: https://books.familysearch.org/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?fn=search&ct=search&mode=Basic&tab=default_tab&indx=1&dum=true&srt=rank&vid=FHD_PUBLIC&frbg=&vl%28freeText0%29=Eymann
A noteworthy author is Henry C. Smith (https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Smith%2C+C.+Henry%2C+1875-1948%22), who was a professor at Goshen College and wrote books on the history of the Mennonites in the US and in general. The link above will lead you to "The Mennonites of America" (1909) and "The Mennonites - A brief history" (1920).
Of particular interest for me (working in academia), was how many other fellow genealogists have written books about their own Palatine families, and taken text parts to describe historical situations from each other. I am myself guilty (in an earlier post) to have used text from Kraig Ruckel, who very poetically described the situation shortly after 1700, when William Penn came to the Palatinate to hire immigrants for the newly founded Pennsylvania. If you look for the beginning sentence "The winter of 1708-1709 was very long and cold in the Rhineland", you find many websites and books from fellow genealogists: https://www.google.de/search?q=The+winter+of+1708-1709+was+very+long+and+cold+in+the+Rhineland&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:de:official&client=firefox-a&channel=nts&gfe_rd=cr&ei=3qgaVIqpGs6POuSEgcgM#rls=org.mozilla:de:official&channel=nts&q=%22The+winter+of+1708-1709+was+very+long+and+cold+in+the+Rhineland%22
Freitag, 12. September 2014
Links to online obituaries
Always a good source of biographical information, obituaries get increasingly published. Some of these will be linked in this post.
An obituary for Commander Raymond P. Eyman, who served at NOAA 1915-1947.
An obituary for Jacob S. Eyman, Halstead, Kansas, d. June 29, 1916, and a record entry for Joseph L. Eyman, El Dorado, Kansas, from “A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans”, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918; transcribed 1997.
An obituary for Commander Raymond P. Eyman, who served at NOAA 1915-1947.
An obituary for Jacob S. Eyman, Halstead, Kansas, d. June 29, 1916, and a record entry for Joseph L. Eyman, El Dorado, Kansas, from “A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans”, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918; transcribed 1997.
Biographical Information on Walter C. Eymann, 1907
Provided by Linda Carter, great-granddaughter of Walter C. Eymann.
History of the State of California and an Extended History of its Southern Coast Counties. By James Miller Guinn, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1907 . Calif. State Library History Room (RR). Call Number: [Alcove] 979.4G9 – 2 – Book NC. Eymann, Walter C Page 1782
WALTER C. EYMANN. Prominent among the highly esteemed and influential citizens of Ocean Park is Walter C. Eymann, a practical business man and a leading real-estate dealer, who has been an important factor in promoting the rapid growth of this beautiful coast city, and a liberal contributor towards the establishment of its varied enterprises. Distinguished not only as a native-born son of California, but for the honored ancestry from which he traces his lineage, he occupies a conspicuous position in the annals of Los Angeles county, and no person is more worthy than he of representation in a work of this kind. A son of Charles F. Eymann, M.D., he was born November 3, 1867, in Anaheim, Orange county. The Eymann family has long been prominent in Germany, among its members being doctors, lawyers and merchants of distinction, one of its members having served as court physician to the Czar of Russia.
A native of Germany, Charles F. Eymann was born, reared and educated in Oldenburg, the home of many of his ancestors. Immigrating to the United States when a young man, he continued his studies in the medical college at Cincinnati, Ohio. Subsequently going overland to California, he engaged in mining and prospecting with unusual success, amassing a fortune. As banks were unsafe in those days it was customary to bury money; one day he returned and was bitterly disappointed to find that some one had visited the spot where he had secreted his wealth, and robbed him. Afterwards settling in San Francisco, he built up a substantial business as a merchant, and became a large property owner. He married Amalia Hammes, whose father, Philip Hammes, immigrated to San Francisco from Germany in 1856, and there followed his trade of watchmaker, clockmaker and jeweler until his removal to Anaheim with the original German colony.
Leaving school when about sixteen year of age, Walter C. Eymann assumed charge of the vineyard of thirty-three acres, managing it successfully until the destruction of the vines by a disease that killed all of the vineyards of that locality and ruined the wine industry. He subsequently took a course of study at Heald’s Business College, after which he was a resident of San Francisco for two and one-half years, being employed as collector, salesman and bookkeeper, first for Hueter Brothers, and later for the Bass-Hueter Paint Company. Going then to Europe, he visited a favorite aunt at the home of his ancestors, after which he traveled extensively on the continent, visiting the principal art galleries, and other places of interest.
On returning to California, Mr. Eymann settled near Anaheim, on land left him by his father, and at once began its improvement, in the course of a few years developing a valuable walnut grove. He built a fine house and substantial farm buildings, making noteworthy improvements. This place he sold in November,1904, realizing a handsome profit from his expenditure of time and money. Coming to Ocean Park, he bought the Summerheim flats, which he has since managed, and continued in the real-estate business, with which he had previously been associated for three years. In the spring of 1905 he opened a real-estate office in the city of Los Angeles, but this he abandoned when the beach cities began to show signs of life and activity and has since maintained and office on ocean front. He not only deals in Southern California property, but also handles northern lands, owning property in the San Joaquin valley and Tulare county.
Mr. Eymann is a man of great inventive talent as well as a business man of ability. In 1895 he received from the United States government a patent that he then possessed, it being a valuable invention utilizing a combination of goal and gas ranges. In introducing it to the public he traveled over one-half of the states of the Union, and from the royalty now given him by its manufacturers, the J. L. Mott Iron Works Company, of New York City, he receives a good annual income. He also has other incomplete inventions, one contemplated one being the taking of electric currents from the earth using them in stationary engines. He is an expert in oil and water, and acted in this capacity in Southern California for a number of years, always with satisfactory results. He is a fine business man, and has acquired extensive property interests in Ocean Park, San Joaquin valley and Tulare county.
In Europe in 1894, Mr. Eymann married Dorothea H. Schellens, daughter of Richard Schellens, noted railway man, who is a government director of all the railroads in the Rhine provinces, and an inventor of the Schellens railway train blocking devices. Mr. And Mrs. Eymann has one child, Gilbert H. W. Eymann. Fraternally Mr. Eymann is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters.
Links to historical and lexical information
Swiss Mennonite History,
covering emigration from Berne to the Palatinate, Alsace, Montbeliard
and Volhynia, by the Swiss Mennonite Historical and Cultural
Association. You can find related information on the emigration history
and the settlement places also here (Judy Voran) and here (MSHC). If you are interested in the differences between Mennonite and Amish, this text from Goshen College gives some detailed information.
The Ellis Island Foundation holds records for immigrants starting from ca. 1890. If you click on this link, you can see a result list for searching the Eymann surname (and related spellings).
The Cemetery Transcription Library has a list of transcribed epitaphs from tombstones. Here are the links for searching “Eyman” or “Eymann” against this list.
The Ellis Island Foundation holds records for immigrants starting from ca. 1890. If you click on this link, you can see a result list for searching the Eymann surname (and related spellings).
The Cemetery Transcription Library has a list of transcribed epitaphs from tombstones. Here are the links for searching “Eyman” or “Eymann” against this list.
A short history of the Eymann family, by Torsten Eymann 1997
by Torsten Eymann (torsten@eymann.net), 1997
The history of the Eymann family is closely intertwined with the history of the european anabaptists themselves. A profound summary about this history can be found in "The Story of the Mennonites" by C. Henry Smith, Newton, Kansas, 1957 (This book is also available in german: "Die Geschichte der Mennoniten Europas", ebda., 1964). The part about the historical background of the palatinate emigration is excerpted from the Website of Kraig Ruckel (http://www.cc.utah.edu/~pdp7277/palatine.html).
The roots of the anabaptist movement lie in the swiss city of Zurich, in the year 1523. Ulrich Zwingli developed his idea of a reformed faith; several of his radical followers split the group in 1525 and established an own branch with the main claim of a full segregation of church and government. This made them the radical left wing of all confessions of that era and is the reason for most of the persecution in the centuries to follow.
The first appearance of the Eymann name is in the village of Steffisburg near Thun/Berne in Switzerland. Here are two brothers mentioned; the elder one, Steffen, was born in 1533. From this point we are able to trace the family history unbroken until today, apart from lost branches. In that area of the southern Emmental (valley of the river Emme) there are today still anabaptist communities, the most famous in the village of Linden. Today a part of Linden, Oberdiessbach is considered to be the true hometown of the Eymann family; there can be found a small estate named "Ey" (medieval german: by the meadow). These villages are very remote and hidden in the mountains and gave shelter for the century of persecution to come.
The anabaptist movement spread in that time over the neighbouring countries, especially along the river Rhine as one of the biggest european trade routes. Several communities grew between 1525 and 1535, the most prominent ones in Strassburg (Elsass) and the Lower Rhine area (The Netherlands and Muenster in northwest Germany). After the fall of the infamous Taeuferreich in Muenster 1535, persecution got worse, although the Muenster incidents are considered not typical for the non-violent characteristic of the Anabaptists; but that was not the era of making fine differences... Menno Simons, a Dutch, who gave the movement its today known name of "Mennonites", appears as a missionary in 1536 and worked his whole life in northern germany, while the swiss anabaptists are known as "Taeufer" or "Taufgesinnte" until today (not as "Mennonites").
In the canton of Berne, the government issued a final ban edict in 1659, after a century of persecution and martyrdom. The dutch Mennonites, at that time the most established group in Europe, tried politically and financially to intervene. But nonetheless the swiss Anabaptists were expropriated and banished from their homes. The worst year was 1671, when 700 people were exiled. About 100 from them went towards the Elsass, the rest into the Palatinate; the latter followed an invitation by the government, which intended to repopulate the devastated (by the 30-year-war) country.
1671 also Hans, Hans II. and Ulrich Eymann left Oberdiessbach with most of their families and moved first to Niederroedern near Weissenburg/Wissembourg in northern Elsass on the left Rhine bank. Some months later they moved again for an unknown reason and finally settled in Ibersheim near Worms in the Palatinate. The restless times with small wars between France and his european enemies in the 17th century (beginning in 1688) lead to restless families, and so the immigrants moved twice again until they finally stayed around the Donnersberg mountain north of Kaiserslautern.Other family members emigrated to the Netherlands and to America in the west, and to the Banat and Galizia in eastern Europe.
The winter of 1708-1709 was very long and cold in the Rhineland. It was a very bleak period. People huddled around their fires as they considered quitting their homes and farms forever. By early April, the land was still frozen and most of the Palatines' vines had been killed by the bitter weather. Since 1702 their country had been enduring war and there was little hope for the future. The Thirty Years War lay heavy on their minds, a period in which one out of every three Germans had perished.
The Palatines were heavily taxed and endured religious persecution. As the people considered their future, the older ones remembered that, in 1677, William Penn had visited the area, encouraging the people to go to Pennsylvania in America, a place where a man and his family could be free of the problems they were now encountering.
To go to America meant a long, dreadful ocean voyage and a future in an unknown land, away from their past and family. Everyone knew that the German Elector would stop any migration as soon as it was noticed. Only a mass exodus from the Palatinate could be successful. Many wondered how they could ever finance such a journey even if they wanted to attempt it. Small boats, known as scows, would have to be acquired for the long ride down the Rhine River and then there was the price for the ocean voyage. While some of the people had relatives that could assist them financially, many were very poor. Soon enough, their minds were made up for them as France's King Louis XIV invaded their land, ravaging especially the towns in the Lower Palatinate.
In masses, the Palatines boarded their small boats and headed down the Rhine for Rotterdam. It was April 1709 and the first parties were afloat on the Rhine, many with only their most basic goods and their faith in God as their only possessions. The river voyage took an average of 4-6 weeks through extremely cold, bitter weather. By June, 1709, the people streamed into Rotterdam at a rate of one thousand per week. The Elector, as expected, issued an edict forbidding the migration, but almost everyone ignored it. By October, 1709, more than 10,000 Palatines had completed the Rhine River journey.
Streams of Palatines went to America, with most going to Pennsylvania. The ocean voyage was harsh, with over-crowded, under-supplied, and unsanitary ships. What provisons were supplied were generally the least expensive available to the ship's master. Water frequently ran out, as did food. Dreadful mortality occurred on many voyages. In addition to those woes, the Palatines faced robbery, deception, and worse from those transporting them.
Estimates on the number of Germans in Pennsylvania during this period varies from author to author, but a common estimate is 10,000-15,000 by 1727 and 70,000-80,000 by 1750. A good source for reviewing German arrivals to Pennsylvania is Rupp's "Thirty Thousand Immigrants in Pennsylvania" which contains numerous ship passenger lists and has an excellent surname index. Another good resource is Walter Knittle's "Early Eighteenth-Century Palatine Emigration". Immigrants not only came from Germany, but also Bohemia and Switzerland. Most were either Lutheran, Reformed, or Mennonite in religious belief.
The transatlantic emigration continued with parts of the family for two centuries to come. Most of the emigrants to America left Europe in Le Havre and Rotterdam. In America they appeared first in Pennsylvania, then moved further west to Indiana and Ohio. Some of them fought in the Indepence Wars. Today they are spread over the whole United States.
The author descends directly from those Palatinate families. The american immigrants often disappear from our genealogy and can not be further traced; we would welcome anybody who can trace his Eymann family back to immigration. Please write - the sheer quantity of our genealogic material makes it impossible for us to send self-speaking documents at the moment, but we would love to share our material when specified. As you can see by the very rough history above, we are currently in the hunter-and-collector-phase; if anybody with profound historical knowledge can contribute to that "moving" family history of ours, we would be very thankful.
Some open questions still remain:
The oldest records about an Eymann family are found in the church-records and stock-books of the village of Alfhausen near Osnabrueck in northwest Germany. There lies, at the road to Bramsche, a large farm, the Eymann farm; although it is not possible to prove the direct relation to our family yet, it can be assumed that the Eymann family originally descends from this farm. One can also guess that by the derivation of the name itself. The Eymann farm is quoted in the stock-books way back in 1350; it was called "tor Eye" (medieval german: by the meadow). The farm was an estate in fee. In 1490, Hanneke "tor Eye" owned 5 horses, 2 oxen, 5 cows, 6 cattle, 14 pigs and 5 sheep and paid a feudal 'cattle tax' of one Taler and four Schillinge. Alfhausen was at that time part of the bishopric Osnabrueck. There still exists a catholic Eymann family in that area, but there is no connection yet between the two genealogies. The swiss Eymanns are said to have immigrated themselves before 1535, but from here? Or is it pure coincidence with the same name; the heraldic shield shows an egg, leading to the supposition of rooting the name in "Ei" rather than in "Ey", a craft rather than a geographic description? Why should anyone emigrate to a country of Berne where persecution was worse than at home, the alternative of the Netherlands only a 100km away?
The similar problem occurs with a lutheran family Eymann in Saxony, whose history is yet completely unknown.
Memories of St. Peters - a narration by Anna Eyman Hofacre
I found the following in a booklet that's been laying around for years, and thought you might enjoy. The booklet was written at the time of the dedication of the educational wing of the church. Annie Hofacre was a sister to Grandpa Charles Eyman. (Greta Wells, SNGWells@prodigy.net)
by Anna Hofacre I, Anna Eyman Hofacre, was born May 3, 1875 in a tavern in Apple Creek, once called Edenburg. People traveling by horse and buggy from southern part of Wayne County stopped to eat and feed and water their horses on their way to Wooster. My parents, S. B. and Isabelle Eyman, cared for the tavern for one year, then we moved to West Salem for one year, then back to my grandfather's home, David Eyman, making our home there. This is now the farm owned by my grandson, Delno Orr.
I remember of my great uncle's funeral, Henry Bott. He lived near the old Baptist Church where we once held church services. Rev. Kemmerer, an elderly former minister of our congregation, was called to conduct the funeral service. When the family was being seated for the noon meal, Rev. Kemmerer couldn't be seen. Someone said, "He always rests five minutes before eating," so he was found upstairs resting. Rev. Mayer was called to minister to our flock as soon as he graduated from Heidelburg University, Tiffin. He did many improvements. He organized the Sunday School, The Women's Missionary Society, Ladies Aid; and then the first catechetical class. My brothers Charlie and Alva were in the second class. My brother Ed and I were in the third class with others. This was in 1888. My sister Minnie was confirmed later; all by Rev. Mayer.
We were taught to prepare for the Sabboth as a day of worship and rest. No unnecessary work was ever allowed. When quite small we children with our parents went to S. S. and church in a double-seated spring wagon. Our grandparents went in a low surrey. My Grandmother Eyman passed away in 1884 and Grandfather in 1888. The service for Grandmother Eyman was the first funeral service conducted by Rev. Mayer. I well remember the interior of our church ?? the lovely dark wood of the beams overhead, the Amen corner, two box stoves which heated the church one near center front and one near back. The stoves were about 3 1/2 feet long and 2 feet wide. Men of the congregation gave trees, prepared wood for the stoves and hauled it to the church. Later a second set of stoves were installed to north and south positions in the church. There were two kerosene lamps on each side. There was a black mohair sofa back of the pulpit and a door to exit in front of the church. The ceiling was later lowered because it was too difficult to heat the church.
Peter Fox was our Janitor many years. His son Ward Fox many years. Then Martin Hursh and his son Barkley Hursh many years. Rev. Mayer lived with the Fred Nussbaum Family when he first came to Apple Creek. The parsonage was built when he married. Twenty young men pledged $25 a piece and the rest was soon forthcoming. Adam Deneke built the parsonage. Rev. Mayer preached one Sunday in German; three in English. The congregation at Black Creek, now Glenmont, was part of his charge. Then all services were in English and his salary was raised a little over $450 a year.
I remember attending S. S. as a child. We sat near one of those stoves near the back of the church. Josephine Knoble was my first S. S. teacher. Later Mrs. Fred Nussbaum Sr. was my teacher in a group of girls eighteen years old. When she stopped teaching, I was asked to teach this class. Many years later I taught a class of teenage girls and still later, a junior boys' class. Music has always meant a lot to me. Tamer Clark, who was my first music teacher, was the first organist of our church. She was followed by Hermena Deneke, Ida Brown and by that time I was teaching music and playing the organ at our church. My father directed the choir and later my brother Alva did.
Some of the families belonging to our church in early 1890 were Lautenschlager, Bott, Numbers, Eyman, Nussbaum, Buss and Hartel. Many lasting friendships were made with the wonderful guidance from Rev. Mayer who was loved by all. Other ministers followed to help us ? Rev. Hartzel, Renter, Wolbach, Flohr, Shuey, R. E. Zechiel, Limbacher, Meckstroth, and Charles Zechiel. Over the years many improvements and additions have been accomplished such as basement, the electricity and new organ. Now with the help of Rev. and Mrs. Hartmann we are dedicating this new educational building. May God help us to grow in peace and good will for his Kingdom.
The Migration from Europe to the US - Passenger Lists
A particular problem in our genealogy, especially when researching the origins of the Eymann/Iman family members in the US, is who, when and from where the ancestors immigrated. It is now well known that most immigrants arrived at Philadelphia, and only much later in New York, and we also know that the emigrants left Europe mostly in Le Havre (originating from Switzerland or the Alsace), or Rotterdam (originating from the Palatinate). For the Alfhausen Eymann's, some of those left through Bremen or Hamburg.
More to find at http://search.freefind.com/find.html?pageid=r&id=45264389&query=Eymann&ics=1&fr=0. On a personal note: "#*§% Ancestry paywall"!
Back in 1997, I could browse through the Emigrants Card File Library of the Institut für pfälzische Geschichte und Volkskunde in Kaiserslautern, Germany. The following table is compiled from taking up these handwritten notes (at that time) [Numbers in
square brackets are included for
consistency with older versions of my database], later extended by using the Palatine Ships list and the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild.
Septemb er
9th 1749
Eymann, b. 7/17/1725, m. ca. 1746
near Weißenburg/Elsaß (Wissembourg/Alsa ce)
October 27th
Eymann [6], b. 1708 Lohmühle, d. 1765 Lancaster, PA. m1. Maria Fuchs, d. 1757 Germany. m2. 1757 Maria Agathe Essig, b. 1710/1715
Emigrated together with ship "Hero" arriving Philadelphia
10/27/1764. (Passenger List)
Christian Eymann [62], son of Ulrich Eymann (above)
unknown, emigrated separately ("followed his father soon").
Lancaster Co., PA, later Conestago Tp., PA.
March 25th
with unknown surname
unknown (no ship found listed for that date)
near Rockenhausen, Palatinate
Pennsylvania "brought Henrich Rhein in Northumberland Co., PA, a
book of religious content".
After 1787
Eymann, m. 1787 Lohmühle to Elisabeth Würtz, b. 1769.
after 1787.
After 1840
Peter Eymann, b. 4/8/1827 in Langmeil, baptized 1840, parents: Christian
Eymann and Katharina Franck
June 7,
Eymann, m1. 11/28/1826 Maria Risser in Biedesheim. Emigrated 1845. m2. 1830/1840) Maria Krehbiel (Father: Christian
Krehbiel), b. 07/22/1807 Weierhof. One Child Jakob from second marriage d.
9/4/1839 Biedesheim.
The ship Rockall from Le Havre to New York, June 7, 1845
May 31st
Eymann [55123], b. 8/19/1826 Biedesheim, daughter of Jakob Eymann and Anna,
b. Eymann, m. 3/3/1845 Jakob Risser in Biedesheim (parents: Johann Risser and
Katharina Weber).
Emigrated 05/31/1845 from Le Havre, France to USA.
March 20th
Eymann [63127], b. 2/11/1829 Langmeil-Alsenbrück, son of Johannes Eymann and Anna
Leisy, Wäschbacherhof. Siblings: Anna, Christian, Jakob, Johannes, Peter. .
3/20/1847 to USA. (Source: Bonkhoff: "Die Langmeiler Sekte",
Blätter für pfälzische Kirchengeschic hte und religiöse Volkskunde, 45. Jg.,
1978, S.56f.)
k, Palatinate
April 19th 1847
Eymann, son of Christian Eymann,
emigrated 4/19/1847
k, Palatinate
27th 1848
Adam Eymann, Baker
emigrated 2/27/1848 (secret, "heimlich") to USA [63128?]
March 1848
Christian Eymann, b. emigrated together with 2 others in March 1848. [63128?].
Wäschbacherhof or Winnweiler, could have lived also Weierhof,
Johannes Eymann [55124], b. 8/3/1829 in Biedesheim, son of Jacob and Anna
before 1852"
1849 in Cleveland, Ohio ("worked as a saddler in Cleveland,
Ohio"), 1852 in Franklin, Iowa. m. 10/6/1854 in Donnellson, Iowa to
Johanna Krehbiel of Albisheim, b. 1/1/1835.
22nd 1851
Eymann [63129], b. 12/16/1831 Wäschbacherhof, Jakob Eymann [6312C], Johannes
Ey., b. 7/14/1833 Wäschbacherhof, Peter Eymann, b. 4/1/1842 Wäschbacherhof.
August 4, 1852
A large group of Palatine
emigrants, traveling together. The list mentions some Eymann names as acquaintances,
but it is not clear to me if they were actually on the ship or if they met
and married later.
The ship Samuel
M. Fox, from Le Havre to New York
September 27, 1852
Peter Eymann and his family
The ship Havre from
Le Havre to New York
August 17, 1872
Gerhard Eymann (travelling
alone at age 15(!)) of the Alfhausen family.
The ship Main from
Bremen to New York,
After 1874
Eymann, b. 3/6/1861 in Langmeil, baptized 1874
after 1874
Eymann [631744], baptized 1881
"died in USA soon after her arrival". (Source:
menn. Kirchenbuch Sembach (A. Ruby, Diedesfeld)
March 12th
Eimann, Christian, b. 23 Mar 1839, age 42, mason, with his sons Paul, b.
15 Mar 1870, age 11 and Christian, b. 15 Mar 1869, age 12.
(Source: Ships Passengers List, Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas) |
After 1883
Eymann, b. 9/20/1869 Lohmühle, baptized Sep 2nd 1883, Vater: Jean Eymann and
Barbara Becke.
after 1883.
28 Aug
Eymann, Rudolf,b .07 Sep 1844, age 41, farmer, his wife, Johanna, b. 02
Sep 1864,age 21 and their children Anna, b. 29 Aug 1880, age 5, Heinrich, b.
29 Aug 1881, age 4 and Lisa, b. 28 Sep 1884, age 11 months.
(Source: Ships Passengers List, Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas) |
After 1889
Daniel Eymann b.1/6/1876 Langmeil, baptized 1889, Parents: Johann
Daniel Eymann and Barbara Eymann.
after 1889.
After 1900
Eymann, b. 1899 Göllheim
occupation: bank clerk, last postal adress was apartado postal 7192,
Mexico City, Mexico (invalid since 1978)
Christian Eymann, b. 3/18/1899 Weidenthal, parents: Jakob Christian Eymann
and Frieda Kunz, m. 1/1/1925 Los Angeles, CA to Lydia Dirks.
in January 1911
last postal adress: 2624 North 22nd Ave., Phoenix AZ 85009 (invalid since
1974). Children: Eugen Christian Eymann, b. 7/3/1926, Paul
Eymann, b. 11/26/1928.
Jakob Christian
Eymann [631659]., b. 3/7/1872 Langmeil, parents: Jakob S. Eymann,
peasant and Elisabeth K. Graf. m1. 6/3/1897 Heiligenmoschel to Frieda Kunz,
m2. 1/10/1910 Weidenthal to Friederike Schmitt.
Emigrated in February 1911 to USA with wife and 4 Children: Karl Jakob,
Eugen Christian, Philipp Hermann, Katharina Elisabeth.
in Weidenthal
Last postal adress: 1018 East 81th Street, Los Angeles CA 90000 (invalid
since 1974).
Returned in 1951 alone to Neustadt/Weinstr .
More to find at http://search.freefind.com/find.html?pageid=r&id=45264389&query=Eymann&ics=1&fr=0. On a personal note: "#*§% Ancestry paywall"!
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